Quick start

Quick start


ConScape is a library for the Julia programming language (Why Julia?).


Julia can be downloaded here


ConScape requires a julia version ≥ 1.6

A nice youtube tutorial on the installation of Julia and the integrated development environment VS Code:

YT thumbnail


There are several integrated development environments for Julia, we use VS Code ourselves (which is easy to set up and use as shown here).

For R users, it seems that the Rstudio team is working on a multi language environment that also would support Julia. We will follow this with great interest.

Installation ConScape

To install ConScape from Julia’s package manager:

(v1.6) pkg> add ConScape

or easier, directly from Julia:

julia> using Pkg
julia> Add.pkg("ConScape")
julia> using ConScape

From here…

Now you are ready to start with the first notebook presenting a basic workflow for connectivity analysis using ConScape.